Professional We are a professional, laser clinic based in Belfast, Northern Ireland. While offering a multitude of services, our passion and forte remains laser tattoo and fungal nail removal.
We are qualified Laser Technicians and our focus on service, integrity and professionalism means that you can rely on our team to provide the highest level of care.
Safe Your safety is our number one priority and our operations meet the requirements of our governing body, the RQIA. Furthermore, our staff is constantly training and keeping up to date on the newest and latest advances in laser techniques and practices.
Best Available Technology At On Second Thought we use the Lynton Luminette Q, a Q-Switched Nd: YAG laser for tattoo removal and the Lynton Excelight, a medical grade IPL, for more beauty and medical based applications. Our powerful Q-switched lasers provide very short pulses of high-intensity light, delivered as a circular spot of light on the skin. The combination of very short pulses, and minimal overlapping of spots allows efficient, successful removal of tattoos without causing unnecessary skin damage.